Scientific name: Triacontanol, N-Triacontanol, 1-triacontanol
Common name: Myrisyl alcohol.
Chemical formula: C30H62O
Molecular weight: 438.82
CAS No.: 593-50-0 for 1-triacontanol
Melting point: +85-90° C ( in room temperature )
Triacontanol can ctivate photosynthesis and improves productivity when sprayed on foliage. Triacontanol has been recognized as a prominent chemical for plant growth promotion. Its efficiency is proved for high yield in the case of number of field crops like barely, rice, tomatoes, maize, lettuce, cucumber, potatoes, cauliflower, chillies, etc.
The growth enhancing effects of triacontanol
In the late 1970's the first observations of triacontanols growth enhansing effects were published in the USA. After this, research has been made all over the world, with the most important results of latter years coming from India, China and Japan. There is some commercial use of triacontanol in these areas, mainly in cotton and rice cultivation.
The best results have been extremely impressive and have given over 100% increases in yields.
The problem, however, has been that triacontanol is not water soluble and therefore makes it very hard to use in the small concentrations that are required. Also, in unrefined triacontanol, closely related substances seem to act as inhibitors and hinder positive effects.
Triacontanol has had good results as a bating-agent, when added to soil and most of all: As a foliar spray. For a long time it was unknown what caused the growth-improving effect of triacontanol. The latest researches suggest that triacontanol directly activates the genes that control photosynthesis. These genes in turn activate the enzymes controlling the chemistry of photosynthesis.
The way triacontanol works differs distinctively from the short-chained alcohols. Therefore triacontanol has given great increases in productivity also on so called C-4 plants as maize (corn).
With short-chained alcohols the photosynthesis enhancing effect is restricted to C-3 plants and by securing the Rubisco-enzyme with enough carbon. Short-chained alcohols must be used in larger quantities to achieve desired effect.