Dandelion Extract
Botanical Source: Taraxacum Mongolicum
CAS No.: 68990-74-9
Part Used: Root and aerial parts
Appearance: Brown fine powder
Specification: Flavones2%, 5%; Taraxasterols 20%
The dandelion covers any type of grounds with bright yellow sunny flowers that turn into fluffy puff balls when seeding. The dandelion leaves grow up to 12 inches from a rosette with round yellow flowers. The dandelion flowers are open during the day, closed at night. The dandelion seed heads contain up to 200 seeds on fluffy tufts. The stems ooze a sticky milky substance when picked.
- It is a general stimulant to the system, but especially to the urinary organs, and is chiefly used in kidney and liver disorders.
- IIn folk medicine, Dandelion is also used as a remedy for hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, eczema, other skin conditions, and diabetes. Its effectiveness for these problems has not, however, been verified.
- IIn Asian medicine--again without verification--Dandelion is used to treat chronic ulcers, stiff joints, and tuberculosis.
- IIt is also used to induce milk production in nursing mothers and to soothe inflamed breast tissue.