Cinnamon Bark Extract
Botanical Source: Cinnamomum cassia / Cortex Cinnamomi
Part Used: Bark
Polyphenols 10%,20%,25%,30% by UV
Flavones 5%,8%,10%
Cinnamon Bark Powder 80mesh
Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years as a spice and medicine. It's mentioned in the Bible as an ingredient in the oils used to anoint Moses, and as a token of friendship. Mourners burned cinnamon on funeral pyres in ancient Rome in order to cover up the smell of burning flesh.
In ancient Egypt, cinnamon was used as a medicine and an embalming agent, and at times it was even considered more precious than gold. It was also popular in China, and is mentioned in one of the earliest books on Chinese botanical medicine.
Today cinnamon is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine (traditional Indian medicine) to treat diabetes in India. And recently Richard Anderson and his team at the US Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, discovered the scientific evidence that demonstrates how cinnamon serves as an important antioxidant, and is beneficial in the prevention and control of glucose intolerance and diabetes.
Data from the Agricultural Research Unit in Maryland was first published in the New Scientist in August 2000. The researchers found that cinnamon triggered the ability of fat cells in diabetic individuals to respond to /, and it also enhanced the removal of glucose.
1 Antioxidant Effects
2 Diabetes Management
3 Cholesterol Reduction
4 Soothing an upset stomach
5 Antibacterial
6 Anti-inflammatory
7 Weight Losing