Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Product Name: Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Botanical Source: Tribulus terrestris L.
Part Used: Fruit.
Tribulus Saponins 20%,40%,45%,50%,60%,80%,98% by UV
Protodioscin 10%,20%,40% by HPLC
Appearance: Brownish yellow fine powder
Brief Introduction:
In China, Tribulus is a known remedy for kidney problems, skin disorders (eczema, psoriasis), erectile dysfunction (ED), lack of sexual desire, heart and circulatory system diseases, problems with digestion and is used for enhancing athletic performance. It is said to relive gonorrhea, liver disease (hepatitis), inflammation, joint pain (rheumatism), leprosy, coughs, headache, dizziness (vertigo) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Main Functions:
Enhancing human immunity and anti-aging.
Strengthening myocardial contractive power, slowing heart rate and dilating coronary arteries.
Increasing muscle mass/strength
1. Applied in health product field, tribulus terrestris powder can be used as diretics, muscle enhaner and aphrodiiac agent;
2. Applied in pharmaceutical field, tribulus terrestris powder can be used as the medicine of depressing presure, lowering blood fat, anti-cancer and so on.